Hatha and Kundalini Yoga with Dawn Atamjeet New Dawn Yoga Kundalini and Hatha Yoga in the East Midlands

About Dawn

Dawn is an experienced BWY teacher and a continuing student of yoga philosophy. She has been practicing yoga since she was 23 and teaching since 2000. She is a British Wheel of Yoga Diploma Course Tutor and is delivering the BWY's three year teaching diploma course. Dawn also studies and teaches KundaliniShe is also qualified in body massage, Indian Head Massage and Crystal Healing.

Dawn teaches Hatha Yoga in an intuitive and inspirational way, creating a unique class every time she teaches. She works with themes and ideas to provide a focus and purpose to her yoga teaching, whether these are drawn from yoga philosophy or from life in general. Whatever particular groove Dawn is working in, her teaching always has two qualities:-
1. What is taught is aimed at helping students cope with the challenges that life throws at them. Yoga is a fantastic toolbox of practices and skills to help us find our centre in a busy and, at times, chaotic world. Dawn believes passionately that yoga should be relevant to how we live our lives and aimed at improving our quality of life.
2. It is fun! Life is serious enough without making yoga another millstone around our necks. Dawn teaches with humour, lightness and a sense of joy and, sometimes, mischief!

Dawn trained with the British Wheel of Yoga so she is not aligned to any particular or fixed system of yoga teaching. Instead she has experienced a wide range of senior teachers from many traditions and learned things from them all. She teaches from this wide range of experience, using what she has found to be of most benefit to herself and to her students. Dawn’s other interests in body massage and crystal healing feeds into her yoga teaching, giving her the skills to adjust students in postures and the sensitivity to see, hear and feel what each student needs.

      Email: dawn@newdawnyoga.co.uk   07777 777 777 ©2013